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Generic: delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl is used for the treatment of Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne

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Recent Major Changes Section

Indication and Usage (1) 6/2024
Dosage and Administration (2) 6/2024
Warnings and Precautions (5) 6/2024

1 Indications And Usage

ELEVIDYS is indicated for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in individuals at least 4 years of age:
  • For patients who are ambulatory and have a confirmed mutation in the DMD gene [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.2), Clinical Studies (14)]
  • For patients who are non-ambulatory and have a confirmed mutation in the DMD gene.

The DMD indication in non-ambulatory patients is approved under accelerated approval based on expression of ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin (noted hereafter as “micro-dystrophinâ€) in skeletal muscle. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial(s). [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.2)].

ELEVIDYS is an adeno-associated virus vector-based gene therapy indicated in individuals at least 4 years of age:
  • For the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in patients who are ambulatory and have a confirmed mutation in the DMD gene. (1,12.2,14)
  • For the treatment of DMD in patients who are non-ambulatory and have a confirmed mutation in the DMD gene (1, 12.2)The DMD indication in non-ambulatory patients is approved under accelerated approval based on expression of ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin (noted hereafter as “micro-dystrophinâ€). Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial(s). (1, 12.2)

2 Dosage And Administration

For single-dose intravenous infusion only.

ELEVIDYS is for single-dose intravenous infusion only.
  • Select patients for treatment with ELEVIDYS with anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers <1:400. (2.1)
  • Recommended dosage: 10 to 70 kg: 1.33 × 1014 vector genomes (vg) per kg of body weight; 70 kg or greater: 9.31 × 1015 vg. (2.2)
  • There is limited safety data available in non-ambulatory patients weighing 70 kg or greater, who received the maximum dose of ELEVIDYS, 9.31 × 1015 vg, in clinical trials. (2.2)
  • Postpone in patients with concurrent infections until the infection has resolved. (2.2)
  • Assess liver function, platelet counts and troponin-I before ELEVIDYS infusion. (2)
  • One day prior to infusion, initiate a corticosteroid regimen for a minimum of 60 days. Recommend modifying corticosteroid dose for patients with liver function abnormalities. (2.2)
  • Administer as an intravenous infusion over 1-2 hours. Infuse at a rate of less than 10 mL/kg/hour. (2.4)

2.1 Patient Selection

Select patients for treatment with ELEVIDYS with anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers <1:400. An FDA-authorized test for the detection of anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibodies is not currently available. Currently available tests may vary in accuracy and design.

2.2 Dose

The recommended dose of ELEVIDYS is 1.33 × 1014 vector genomes per kilogram (vg/kg) of body weight (or 10 mL/kg body weight) for patients weighing less than 70 kg or 9.31 × 1015 vg total fixed dose for patients weighing 70 kg or greater. There is limited safety data available in non-ambulatory patients weighing 70 kg or greater, who received the maximum dose of ELEVIDYS, 9.31 × 1015 vg, in clinical trials.

For the number of vials required, refer to Table 10 [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16.1)].

Calculate the dose as follows:

ELEVIDYS dose (in mL) = patient body weight (rounded to the nearest kilogram) x 10

The multiplication factor 10 represents the per kilogram dose (1.33 × 10 14 vg/kg) divided by the amount of vector genome copies per mL of the ELEVIDYS suspension (1.33 × 10 13 vg/mL).

Number of ELEVIDYS vials needed = ELEVIDYS dose (in mL) divided by 10.

Example: Calculation of volume needed for a 19.5 kg patient                  19.5 kg rounded to the nearest kilogram = 20 kg                 20 kg × 10 = 200 mL

Number of ELEVIDYS vials needed = 200 divided by 10, rounded to the nearest number of vials = 20 vials

Prior to ELEVIDYS infusion:

Due to the increased risk of serious systemic immune response, postpone ELEVIDYS in patients with infections until the infection has resolved. Clinical signs or symptoms of infection should not be evident at the time of ELEVIDYS administration [see Patient Counseling Information (17)].

Assess liver function [see Dosage and Administration (2.4), Warnings and Precautions (5.2), Use in Specific Populations (8.6)].

Obtain platelet count and troponin-I levels [see Dosage and Administration (2.4), Warnings and Precautions (5.4)].

Measure baseline anti-AAVrh74 antibody titers using a Total Binding Antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [see Dosage and Administration (2), Clinical Pharmacology (12.6)].

ELEVIDYS administration is not recommended in patients with elevated anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers (≥1:400). Re-administration of ELEVIDYS is not recommended [see Warnings and Precautions (5.5), Clinical Pharmacology (12.6)].

Immune responses to the AAVrh74 vector can occur after administration of ELEVIDYS [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.6)]. To reduce the risk associated with an immune response, corticosteroids should be administered starting 1 day prior to ELEVIDYS infusion. Initiate a corticosteroid regimen following the appropriate schedule (see Table 1). This regimen is recommended for a minimum of 60 days after the infusion, unless earlier tapering is clinically indicated. Table 2 includes the recommended corticosteroid regimen dose modification for patients with liver function abnormalities following ELEVIDYS infusion. If acute serious liver injury is suspected, a consultation with a speciaul is recommended.

For patients previously taking corticosteroids at baseline, taper off the additional peri-ELEVIDYS corticosteroids (back to baseline corticosteroid dose) over 2 weeks, or longer as needed. For patients not previously taking corticosteroids at baseline, taper the added peri-ELEVIDYS corticosteroids off (back to no corticosteroids) over 4 weeks, or longer, as needed, and the corticosteroids should not be stopped abruptly.
Table 1: Recommended pre- and post-infusion corticosteroid dosing
a Patient continues to receive this dose
b Corticosteroids other than prednisone and prednisolone have not been studied for use as a peri-ELEVIDYS infusion corticosteroid
Baseline corticosteroid dosinga Peri-ELEVIDYS infusion corticosteroid dose (prednisone equivalent) b Recommended maximum total daily dose (prednisone equivalent)b
Daily or intermittent dose Start 1 day prior to infusion:1 mg/kg/day (and continue baseline dose) 60 mg/day
High dose for 2 days per week Start 1 day prior to infusion:1 mg/kg/day taken on days without high-dose corticosteroid treatment (and continue baseline dose) 60 mg/day
Not on corticosteroids Start 1 week prior to infusion:1.5 mg/kg/day 60 mg/day
Table 2: Recommended corticosteroid regimen dose modification for liver function abnormalities following ELEVIDYS infusiona
Peri-ELEVIDYS infusion corticosteroid dosing Modified corticosteroid dose following ELEVIDYS infusion (prednisone equivalent)b Recommended maximum total daily dose (prednisone equivalent)b
a GGT >= 150 U/L and/or other clinically significant liver function abnormalities (e.g., total bilirubin > 2 x ULN) following infusion. For GGT or bilirubin elevations that do not respond to these oral corticosteroid increases, IV bolus corticosteroids may be considered.
b Corticosteroids other than prednisone and prednisolone have not been studied for use as a peri-ELEVIDYS infusion corticosteroid.
Baseline + 1 mg/kg/day Increase to 2 mg/kg/day (and continue baseline dose) 120 mg/day
Baseline + 1 mg/kg/day taken on days without high-dose corticosteroidtreatment Increase to 2 mg/kg/day taken on days without high-dose corticosteroid treatment (and continue baseline dose) 120 mg/day
1.5 mg/kg/day Increase from 1.5 mg/kg/day to 2.5 mg/kg/day 120 mg/day

2.3 Preparation

General precautions
  • Prepare ELEVIDYS using aseptic technique.
  • Verify the required dose of ELEVIDYS based on the patient's body weight.
  • Confirm that the kit contains sufficient number of vials to prepare the ELEVIDYS infusion for the patient.
  • Visually inspect parenteral drug products for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever suspension and container permit. ELEVIDYS may contain white to off-white particles.

Recommended supplies and materials:
  • 60 mL siliconized polypropylene syringes
  • 21-gauge or smaller stainless steel needles

Preparing ELEVIDYS infusion
  • Thaw ELEVIDYS before use.
    • When thawed in the refrigerator, ELEVIDYS vials are stable for up to 14 days in the refrigerator (2°C to 8°C [36º F to 46º F]) when stored in the upright position.
    • Frozen ELEVIDYS vials will thaw in approximately 2 hours when placed at room temperature (up to 25°C [77ºF]) when removed from original packaging.
  • Inspect vials to ensure no ice crystals are present prior to preparation.
  • When thawed, swirl gently.
    • Do not shake.
    • Do not refreeze.
    • Do not place back in the refrigerator.
  • Visually inspect each vial of ELEVIDYS. ELEVIDYS is a clear, colorless liquid that may have some opalescence. ELEVIDYS may contain white to off-white particles.
    • Do not use if the suspension in the vials is cloudy or discolored.
  • Remove the plastic flip-off cap from the vials and disinfect the rubber stopper with a sterilizing agent (e.g., alcohol wipes).
  • Withdraw 10 mL of ELEVIDYS from each vial provided in the customized ELEVIDYS kit (refer to Table 10).
    • Do not use filter needles during preparation of ELEVIDYS.
    • Multiple syringes will be required to withdraw the required volume.
    • Remove air from the syringes and cap the syringes.
  • Maintain syringes at room temperature prior to and during administration.
    • Sealed ELEVIDYS thawed vials are stable up to 24 hours at room temperature (up to 25°C [77ºF]) when stored in upright position.

2.4 Administration

Recommended supplies and materials:
  • Syringe infusion pump
  • 0.2-micron PES* in-line filter
  • PVC* (non-DEHP*), polyurethane IV infusion tubing and catheter

*PVC = Polyvinyl chloride, DEHP = Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, PES = Polyether sulfone

Administer ELEVIDYS as a single-dose intravenous infusion through a peripheral venous catheter:

ELEVIDYS should be administered in a setting where treatment for infusion-related reactions is immediately available [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]. Do not infuse ELEVIDYS at a rate of 10 mL/kg/hour or faster.

Consider application of a topical anesthetic to the infusion site prior to administration of IV insertion.

Recommend inserting a back-up catheter.
  • Flush the intravenous access line with 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection prior to the ELEVIDYS infusion at the same infusion rate.
  • Administer ELEVIDYS via intravenous infusion using a syringe infusion pump with an in-line 0.2-micron filter at a duration of approximately 1 to 2 hours, or longer at care team discretion, through a peripheral limb vein.
  • Infuse at a rate of less than 10 mL/kg/hour.
    • Do not administer ELEVIDYS as an intravenous push.
    • Do not infuse ELEVIDYS in the same intravenous access line with any other product.
    • Use ELEVIDYS within 6 hours after drawing into syringe. Discard the ELEVIDYS-containing syringe(s) if infusion of the drug has not started within the 6-hour timeframe.
  • In the event of an infusion-related reaction during administration [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]:
    • Slow or stop the infusion based on patient's clinical presentation.
    • Discontinue infusion for anaphylaxis.
    • Administer treatment as needed to manage infusion-related reaction.
    • ELEVIDYS infusion may be restarted at a lower rate after the infusion-related reaction has resolved at the discretion of the physician, based on severity patient's clinical presentation.
    • If the ELEVIDYS infusion needs to be stopped and restarted, ELEVIDYS should be infused within 12 hours after drawing into the syringe [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16.2)].
  • Flush the intravenous access line with 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection after the ELEVIDYS infusion.
    • Discard unused ELEVIDYS [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16.2)].
    • Dispose of the needle and syringe [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16.2)].

Monitoring Post-ELEVIDYS Administration
  • Assess liver function (clinical exam, GGT, and total bilirubin) weekly for the first 3 months. Continue monitoring if clinically indicated, until results are unremarkable (normal clinical exam, GGT and total bilirubin levels return to near baseline levels) [see Warning and Precautions (5.2), Specific Populations (8.6)].
  • Obtain platelet counts weekly for the first two weeks [see Adverse Reactions (6.1)]. Continue monitoring if clinically indicated.
  • Measure troponin-I weekly for the first month [see Warning and Precautions (5.4)]. Continue monitoring if clinically indicated.

3 Dosage Forms And Strengths

ELEVIDYS is a preservative-free, sterile, clear, colorless liquid that may have some opalescence and may contain white to off-white particles.

ELEVIDYS is a suspension for intravenous infusion with a nominal concentration of 1.33 × 1013 vg/mL.

ELEVIDYS is provided in a customized kit containing ten to seventy 10 mL single-dose vials, with each kit constituting a dosage unit based on the patient's body weight [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16.1)].

The intravenous dosage is determined by patient body weight, with a recommended dose of 1.33 × 1014 vector genomes (vg)/kg for patients weighing 10 to 70 kg, and a maximum of 9.31 × 1015 vg for patients 70 kg or greater.

  • ELEVIDYS is a suspension for intravenous infusion with a nominal concentration of 1.33 × 1013 vg/mL. (3)
  • ELEVIDYS is provided in a customized kit containing ten to seventy 10 mL single-dose vials, with each kit constituting a dosage unit based on the patient's body weight. (3)

4 Contraindications

ELEVIDYS is contraindicated in patients with any deletion in exon 8 and/or exon 9 in the DMD gene [see Warnings and Precautions (5.3)].

  • ELEVIDYS is contraindicated in patients with any deletion in exon 8 and/or exon 9 in the DMD gene. (4)

5 Warnings And Precautions

  • Infusion-related Reactions: Infusion-related reactions, including hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis, have occurred. Monitor during administration and for at least 3 hours after end of infusion. If symptoms occur, slow or stop the infusion and give appropriate treatment. Once symptoms resolve, restart infusion at a slower infusion rate. Discontinue infusion for anaphylaxis. (2.4, 5.1)
  • Acute Serious Liver Injury: Acute serious liver injury has been observed. Monitor liver function before ELEVIDYS infusion, and weekly for the first 3 months after ELEVIDYS infusion. Continue monitoring until results are unremarkable. If acute serious liver injury is suspected, a consultation with a speciaul is recommended. (5.2)
  • Immune-mediated Myositis: Patients with deletions in the DMD gene in exons 1 to 17 and /or exons 59 to 71 may be at risk for severe immune-mediated myositis reaction. Consider additional immunomodulatory treatment (immunosuppressants [e.g., calcineurin-inhibitor] in addition to corticosteroids) if symptoms of myositis occur (e.g., unexplained increased muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness). (5.3)
  • Myocarditis: Myocarditis and troponin-I elevations have been observed. Monitor troponin-I before ELEVIDYS infusion, and weekly for the first month after ELEVIDYS infusion. (5.4)
  • Pre-existing Immunity against AAVrh74: Perform baseline testing for presence of anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibodies prior to ELEVIDYS administration. (5.5)

Infusion-related reactions, including hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis, have occurred during or up to several hours following ELEVIDYS administration. Closely monitor patients during and for at least 3 hours after the end of infusion for signs and symptoms of infusion-related reactions including tachycardia, tachypnea, lip swelling, difficulty breathing, nasal flaring, urticaria, flushing, lip pruritus, rash, cheilitis, vomiting, nausea, rigors and pyrexia.

ELEVIDYS should be administered in a setting where treatment for infusion-related reactions is immediately available.

In the event of an infusion-related reaction, administration of ELEVIDYS may be slowed or stopped based on the severity of the patient's clinical presentation. Administer treatment as needed to manage infusion-related reactions based on the severity of patient's signs and symptoms. [see Dosage and Administration (2.4)]. If the infusion was stopped, ELEVIDYS infusion may be restarted at a lower rate once patient's symptoms have resolved, at the discretion of the physician. Discontinue infusion for anaphylaxis.

5.2 Acute Serious Liver Injury

Acute serious liver injury has been observed with ELEVIDYS. Administration of ELEVIDYS may result in elevations of liver enzymes (e.g., GGT, ALT) and total bilirubin, typically seen within 8 weeks.

Patients with preexisting liver impairment, chronic hepatic condition or acute liver disease (e.g., acute hepatic viral infection) may be at higher risk of acute serious liver injury. Postpone ELEVIDYS administration in patients with acute liver disease until resolved or controlled. Patients with hepatic impairment, acute liver disease, chronic hepatic condition or elevated GGT have not been studied in clinical trials with ELEVIDYS [see Specific Populations (8.6)].

In clinical studies, liver function test increased (including increases in GGT, GLDH, ALT, AST, or total bilirubin) was commonly reported typically within 8 weeks following ELEVIDYS infusion, with the majority of cases being asymptomatic [see Adverse Reactions (6.1)]. Cases resolved spontaneously or with systemic corticosteroids and resolved without clinical sequelae within 2 months. No cases of liver failure were reported.

Prior to ELEVIDYS administration, perform liver enzyme test [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. Monitor liver function (clinical exam, GGT, and total bilirubin) weekly for the first 3 months following ELEVIDYS infusion. Continue monitoring if clinically indicated, until results are unremarkable (normal clinical exam, GGT and total bilirubin levels return to near baseline levels) [see Dosage and Administration (2.4)].

Systemic corticosteroid treatment is recommended for patients before and after ELEVIDYS infusion [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. Adjust corticosteroid regimen when indicated [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. If acute serious liver injury is suspected, a consultation with a speciaul is recommended.

5.3 Immune-mediated Myositis

In clinical trials, immune-mediated myositis has been observed approximately 1 month following ELEVIDYS infusion in patients with deletion mutations involving exon 8 and/or exon 9 in the DMD gene. Symptoms of severe muscle weakness, including dysphagia, dyspnea and hypophonia, were observed. In a life-threatening case of immune-mediated myositis, symptoms resolved during hospitalization following additional immunomodulatory treatment; muscle strength gradually improved but did not return to baseline level. These immune reactions may be due to a T-cell based response from lack of self-tolerance to a specific region encoded by the transgene corresponding to exons 1-17 of the DMD gene.

Limited data are available for ELEVIDYS treatment in patients with mutations in the DMD gene in exons 1 to 17 and/or exons 59 to 71 [see Clinical Studies (14)]. Patients with deletions in these regions may be at risk for a severe immune-mediated myositis reaction. ELEVIDYS is contraindicated in patients with any deletion in exon 8 and/or exon 9 in the DMD gene due to the increased risk for a severe immune-mediated myositis reaction [see Contraindications (4)].

Advise patients to contact a physician immediately if they experience any unexplained increased muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, including dysphagia, dyspnea or hypophonia as these may be symptoms of myositis. Consider additional immunomodulatory treatment (immunosuppressants [e.g., calcineurin-inhibitor] in addition to corticosteroids) based on patient's clinical presentation and medical history if these symptoms occur.

5.4 Myocarditis

Acute serious myocarditis and troponin-I elevations have been observed following ELEVIDYS infusion in clinical trials.

If a patient experiences myocarditis, those with pre-existing left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) impairment may be at higher risk of adverse outcomes. Patients with moderate to severe LVEF impairment have not been studied in clinical trials with ELEVIDYS.

Monitor troponin-I before ELEVIDYS infusion and weekly for the first month following infusion [see Dosage and Administration (2.4)]. Continue monitoring if clinically indicated. More frequent monitoring may be warranted in the presence of cardiac symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath.

Advise patients to contact a physician immediately if they experience cardiac symptoms.

5.5 Pre-existing Immunity against AAVrh74

In AAV-vector based gene therapies, preexisting anti-AAV antibodies may impede transgene expression at desired therapeutic levels. Following treatment with ELEVIDYS all patients developed anti-AAVrh74 antibodies. Perform baseline testing for the presence of anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibodies prior to ELEVIDYS administration [see Dosage and Administration (2.1)].

ELEVIDYS administration is not recommended in patients with elevated anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers (≥1:400).

6 Adverse Reactions

The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥ 5%) reported in clinical studies were vomiting, nausea, liver injury, pyrexia, and thrombocytopenia.

The following clinically significant adverse reactions are described elsewhere in the labeling:
  • Infusion-related reactions [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]
  • Acute serious liver injury [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)]
  • Immune-mediated myositis [see Warnings and Precautions (5.3)]
  • Myocarditis [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)]

Most common adverse reactions across studies (incidence ≥5%) were vomiting and nausea, liver injury, pyrexia, and thrombocytopenia. (6.1)

To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc., at 1-888-SAREPTA (1-888-727-3782) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch.

6.1 Clinical Trials Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.

The safety data described in this section reflect exposure to a one-time intravenous infusion of ELEVIDYS in 156 male patients with a confirmed mutation of the DMD gene in four clinical studies, including one completed open-label study, one ongoing open-label study, and two studies that included a double-blind, placebo-controlled period Prior to ELEVIDYS infusion, patients in the ELEVIDYS treatment group had a mean age of 6.7 years (range: 3 to 20) and mean weight of 24.6 kg (range: 12.5 to 80.1). 144 patients received the recommended dose of 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg, and 12 received a lower dose. Table 3 below presents adverse reactions from these four clinical studies.

The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5%) across all studies are summarized in Table 3.

Adverse reactions were typically seen within the first 2 weeks (nausea, vomiting, thrombocytopenia, pyrexia), or within the first 2 months (immune-mediated myositis, liver injury). Vomiting may occur as early as on the day of the infusion.
Table 3. Adverse reactions (Incidence ≥5%) following treatment with ELEVIDYS in Clinical Studies
Adverse reactions ELEVIDYS (N=156) %
a Includes: AST increased, ALT increased, GGT increased, GLDH increased, GLDH level abnormal, Hepatotoxicity, Hepatic enzyme increased, Hypertransaminasemia, Liver function test increased, Liver injury, Transaminases increased, Blood bilirubin increased
b Includes: Thrombocytopenia, Platelet count decreased
c Transient, mild, asymptomatic decrease in platelet counts
Vomiting 65
Nausea 43
Liver injurya 40
Pyrexia 28
Thrombocytopeniab c 8

In the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Study 3 Part 1, patients 4 to 7 years of age (N=125) received either ELEVIDYS (N=63) at the recommended dose of 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg or placebo (N=62). Table 4 below presents the most frequent adverse reactions from Study 3 Part 1.
Table 4. Adverse reactions occurring in ELEVIDYS-treated patients and at least twice more frequently than with placebo in Study 3 Part 1
a Includes: AST increased, ALT increased, GGT increased, GLDH increased, GLDH level abnormal, Hepatotoxicity, Hepatic enzyme increased, Hypertransaminasaemia, Liver function test increased, Liver injury, Transaminases increased.
b Includes: platelet count decreased, thrombocytopenia
c Transient, mild, asymptomatic decrease in platelet counts
Adverse reactions ELEVIDYS (N=63) % Placebo (N=62) %
Vomiting 64 19
Nausea 40 13
Liver injurya 41 8
Pyrexia 32 24
Thrombocytopeniabc 3 0

6.2 Postmarketing Experience

The following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of ELEVIDYS. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

Immune System Disorders: Infusion-related reactions, including hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis, have occurred during or up to several hours following ELEVIDYS administration [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)].

7 Drug Interactions

Prior to initiating the corticosteroid regimen required before ELEVIDYS administration, consider the patient's vaccination status. Patients should, if possible, be brought up to date with all immunizations in agreement with current immunization guidelines. Vaccinations should be completed at least 4 weeks prior to initiation of the corticosteroid regimen.

8 Use In Specific Populations

8.1 Pregnancy

Risk Summary

ELEVIDYS is not intended for use in pregnant women.

In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risks of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2% to 4% and 15% to 20%, respectively.

8.2 Lactation

Risk Summary

There is no information available on the presence of ELEVIDYS in human milk, the effects on the breastfed infant, or the effects on milk production.

8.4 Pediatric Use

The safety and effectiveness of ELEVIDYS for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy has been established in pediatric patients at least 4 years of age with a confirmed mutation in the DMD gene [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.2), Clinical Studies (14)].

8.5 Geriatric Use

The safety and efficacy of ELEVIDYS in geriatric patients with DMD have not been studied.

8.6 Hepatic Impairment

The safety and efficacy of ELEVIDYS in patients with hepatic impairment or elevated GGT have not been studied.

Postpone ELEVIDYS administration in patients with acute liver disease until resolved or controlled. Treatment with ELEVIDYS should be carefully considered in patients with preexisting liver impairment or chronic hepatic viral infection. These patients may be at increased risk of acute serious liver injury [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)].

In clinical trials, liver function test increase was commonly reported in patients following ELEVIDYS infusion [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2), Adverse Reactions (6.1)].

11 Description

ELEVIDYS (delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl) is a recombinant gene therapy designed to deliver the gene encoding the ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin protein. ELEVIDYS is a non-replicating, recombinant, adeno-associated virus serotype rh74 (AAVrh74) based vector containing the ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin transgene under the control of the MHCK7 promoter. The genome within the ELEVIDYS AAVrh74 vector contains no viral genes and consequently is incapable of replication or reversion to a replicating form. The micro-dystrophin protein expressed by ELEVIDYS is a shortened version (138 kDa, compared to 427 kDa size of dystrophin expressed in normal muscle cells) that contains selected domains of dystrophin expressed in normal muscle cells.

ELEVIDYS is a preservative-free, sterile, clear, colorless liquid that may have some opalescence and may contain white to off-white particles. ELEVIDYS is a suspension for intravenous infusion with a nominal concentration of 1.33 ×1013 vg/mL and supplied in a single-dose 10 mL vial. Each vial contains an extractable volume of 10 mL and the following excipients: 200mM sodium chloride, 13 mM tromethamine HCl, 7 mM tromethamine, 1mM magnesium chloride, 0.001% poloxamer 188.

12 Clinical Pharmacology

12.1 Mechanism of Action

ELEVIDYS is the recombinant gene therapy product that is comprised of a non-replicating, recombinant, adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype rh74 (AAVrh74) capsid and a single-stranded DNA expression cassette flanked by inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) derived from AAV2. The cassette contains: 1) an MHCK7 gene regulatory component comprising a creatine kinase 7 promoter and an α-myosin heavy chain enhancer, and 2) the DNA transgene encoding the engineered micro-dystrophin protein.

Vector/Capsid: Clinical and nonclinical studies have demonstrated AAVrh74 serotype transduction in skeletal muscle cells. Additionally, in nonclinical studies, AAVrh74 serotype transduction has been demonstrated in cardiac and diaphragm muscle cells.

Promoter: The MHCK7 promoter/enhancer drives transgene expression and has been shown in animal models to drive transgenic micro-dystrophin protein expression predominantly in skeletal muscle (including diaphragm) and cardiac muscle. In clinical studies, muscle biopsy analyses have confirmed micro-dystrophin expression in skeletal muscle.

Transgene: DMD is caused by a mutation in the DMD gene resulting in lack of functional dystrophin protein. ELEVIDYS carries a transgene encoding a micro-dystrophin protein consisting of selected domains of dystrophin expressed in normal muscle cells.

ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin has been demonstrated to localize to the sarcolemma.

12.2 Pharmacodynamics

In 92 patients who received ELEVIDYS in clinical studies, micro-dystrophin protein expression from muscle biopsies (gastrocnemius or biceps brachii) was quantified by western blot and localized by immunofluorescence staining (fiber intensity and percentage micro-dystrophin).

Micro-dystrophin expression (expressed as change from baseline) in ELEVIDYS-treated patients as measured by western blot was the primary objective of Study 1 and Study 2, and a key secondary objective for Study 3. Muscle biopsies were obtained at baseline prior to ELEVIDYS infusion and at Week 12 after ELEVIDYS infusion in all patients. The absolute quantity of micro-dystrophin was measured by western blot assay, adjusted by muscle content and expressed as a percent of control (levels of wild-type dystrophin in patients without DMD or Becker muscular dystrophy) in muscle biopsy samples. Study 1 and 2 results of patients receiving 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg ELEVIDYS are presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Micro-Dystrophin Expression in Study 1 and Study 2 at Week 12 from Baseline (Western Blot Assay)abc
Western blot (% of micro-dystrophin compared to control) Study 1 Part 1 (n=6) Study 1 Part 2 (n=21) Study 2  Ambulatory(n=40) Study 2 Non-ambulatory (n=8)
a All patients received 1.33 x 1014 vg/kg, as measured by ddPCR
b Change from baseline was statistically significant
c Adjusted for muscle content. Control was level of wild-type (normal) dystrophin in normal muscle.
Mean change from baseline (SD) 43.4(48.6) 40.7(32.3) 51.0(47) 40.1(35.9)
Median change from baseline (Min, Max) 24.3(1.6, 116.3) 40.8(0.0, 92.0) 46.9(1.9, 197.3) 32.7(1.4, 116.3)

A clear association between Week 12 micro-dystrophin expression and clinical outcome (assessed by change from baseline on the Performance of Upper Limb version 2.0 assessment; Table 7) in non-ambulatory patients has not been established.

In Study 3 Part 1, muscle biopsies were obtained at Week 12 in 31 patients. For the ELEVIDYS-treated patients, the mean micro-dystrophin expression at Week 12 was 34.3% (N=17, SD: 41.0%), compared to placebo patients of 0% (N=14, SD: 0%).

Assessment of micro-dystrophin levels can be meaningfully influenced by differences in sample processing, analytical technique, reference materials, and quantitation methodologies. Therefore, valid comparisons of micro-dystrophin measurements obtained from different assays cannot be made.

12.3 Pharmacokinetics

Vector Distribution and Vector Shedding

Nonclinical Data

Biodistribution of ELEVIDYS was evaluated in tissue samples collected from healthy mice and DMDmdx mice following intravenous administration in toxicology studies. At 12 weeks following ELEVIDYS administration at dose levels of 1.33 ×1014 to 4.02 ×1014 vg/kg, vector DNA was detected in all major organs with the highest quantities detected in the liver, followed by lower levels in the heart, adrenal glands, skeletal muscle, and aorta. ELEVIDYS was also detected at low levels in the spinal cord, sciatic nerve and gonads (testis). Protein expression of micro-dystrophin was highest in cardiac tissue, exceeding physiologic dystrophin expression levels in healthy mice, with lower levels in the skeletal muscle and diaphragm. In some studies, micro-dystrophin was also detected at low levels in the liver.

Clinical Data

Following IV administration, ELEVIDYS vector genome undergoes distribution via systemic circulation and distributes into target muscle tissues followed by elimination in the urine and feces. ELEVIDYS biodistribution and tissue transduction are detected in the target muscle tissue groups and quantified in the gastrocnemius or biceps femoris biopsies obtained from patients with mutations in the DMD gene. Evaluation of ELEVIDYS vector genome exposure in clinical muscle biopsies at Week 12 post-dose expressed as copies per nucleus revealed ELEVIDYS drug distribution and transduction with a mean change from baseline of 2.91 and 3.44 copies per nucleus at the recommended dose of 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg for Study 1 and Study 2 Cohort 1, respectively.

In Study 2 Cohorts 1-3, the biodistribution and vector shedding of ELEVIDYS in the serum and excreta were quantified, respectively. The mean maximum concentration (Cmax) in the serum was 0.0055 × 1013 copies/mL and 2.78 × 106 copies/mL in the urine, 7.86 × 107 copies/mL in the saliva, and 4.87 × 107 copies/μg in the feces. The median time to achieve maximum concentration (Tmax) was 5.8 hours post-dose in the serum, followed by 6.7 hours, 6.5 hours and 13 days post-dose in the saliva, urine, and feces, respectively. The median time to achieve first below limit of quantification (BLOQ) sample followed by 2 consecutive BLOQ samples was 55 days post-dose for serum. The median time to achieve complete elimination as the first below limit of detection (BLOD) sample followed by 2 consecutive BLOD samples were 49.8 days, 78 days and 162 days post-dose for saliva, urine and feces, respectively. The estimated elimination half-life of ELEVIDYS vector genome in the serum is approximately 12 hours, and the majority of the drug is expected to be cleared from the serum by 1-week post-dose. In the excreta, the estimated elimination half-life of ELEVIDYS vector genome is approximately 40 hours, 55 hours, and 60 hours in the urine, feces, and saliva, respectively. As an AAV-based gene therapy that consists of a protein capsid containing the transgene DNA genome of interest, ELEVIDYS capsid proteins are broken down through proteasomal degradation following AAV entry into target cells. As such, ELEVIDYS is not likely to exhibit the drug-drug interaction potential mediated by known drug metabolizing enzymes (cytochrome P450-based) and drug transporters.

12.6 Immunogenicity

The observed incidence of anti-AAVrh74 antibodies is highly dependent on the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Differences in assay methods preclude meaningful comparisons of the incidence of anti-AAVrh74 antibodies in the studies described below with the incidence of anti-AAVrh74 antibodies in other studies.

In ELEVIDYS clinical studies, patients were required to have baseline anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibodies of ≤1:400, measured using an investigational total binding antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and only patients with baseline anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibodies <1:400 were enrolled in those studies. The safety and efficacy of ELEVIDYS in patients with elevated anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titer (≥1:400) have not been evaluated [see Clinical Studies (14)].

Across clinical studies evaluating a total of 156 patients, elevated anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibodies titers were observed in all patients following a one-time ELEVIDYS infusion. Anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers reached at least 1:102,400 in every patient, and the maximum titers exceeded 1:26,214,400 in certain patients. The safety of re-administration of ELEVIDYS or any other AAVrh74 vector-based gene therapy in the presence of high anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titer has not been evaluated in humans [see Warnings and Precautions (5.5)].

13 Nonclinical Toxicology

13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

No animal studies have been performed to evaluate the effects of ELEVIDYS on carcinogenicity, mutagenesis, or impairment of fertility.

14 Clinical Studies

The efficacy of ELEVIDYS was evaluated in two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies (Study 1 [NCT 03769116] and Study 3 [NCT 05096221]) and one open-label study (Study 2 [NCT 04626674]) in which a total of 214 male patients with a confirmed disease-causing mutation in the DMD gene were dosed.

Study 1

Study 1 is a completed multi-center study including:
  • Part 1: a 48-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled period
  • Part 2: a 48-week period that began following completion of Part 1. Patients who received placebo during Part 1 were treated with ELEVIDYS, and patients treated with ELEVIDYS during Part 1 received placebo.

The study population consisted of male ambulatory DMD patients (N=41) aged 4 through 7 years with either a confirmed frameshift mutation, or a premature stop codon mutation between exons 18 to 58 in the DMD gene.

Patients were randomized 1:1 to receive either ELEVIDYS (N=20) or placebo (N=21), as a single intravenous infusion via a peripheral limb. Randomization was stratified by age (i.e., aged 4 to 5 years vs. aged 6 to 7 years). In the 4 through 5-year-old subgroup, the mean age, mean weight and mean NSAA total score (range) for the ELEVIDYS-treated patients (n=8) were 4.98 years, 20.1 kg and 20.1 (17-23), and for the placebo patients (n=8) were 5.15 years, 19.8 kg and 20.4 (15-24). In the ELEVIDYS group, eight patients received 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg of ELEVIDYS, and 12 patients received lower doses. Key demographic and baseline characteristics are presented in Table 6.
Table 6: Key Demographic and Baseline Characteristics (Study 1 Part 1)
Characteristic All (n=41) ELEVIDYS (n=20) Placebo (n=21)
Race (%)Asian/Black or African American/White/Other 12/0/73/15 20/0/65/15 5/0/81/14
Ethnicity (%)Hispanic or Latino/Other 12/88 5/95 19/81
Mean age [range](years) 6.3[4.3 – 7.9] 6.3[4.5 – 7.9] 6.2[4.3 – 7.9]
Mean weight [range](kg) 22.4[15.0 – 34.5] 23.3[18.0 – 34.5] 21.6[15.0 – 30.0]
Mean NSAA total score [range] 21.2[13 – 29] 19.8[13 – 26] 22.6[15 – 29]
Mean time to rise from floor [range](seconds) 4.3[2.7 – 10.4] 5.1[3.2 – 10.4] 3.6[2.7 – 4.8]

All patients were on a stable dose of corticosteroids for DMD for at least 12 weeks prior to ELEVIDYS infusion. All randomized patients had baseline anti-AAVrh74 antibody titers <1:400 as determined by an investigational total binding antibody ELISA.

One day prior to treatment with ELEVIDYS or placebo, the patient's background dose of corticosteroid for DMD was increased to at least 1 mg/kg of a corticosteroid (prednisone equivalent) daily and was continued at this level for at least 60 days after the infusion, unless earlier tapering was clinically indicated.

The efficacy outcomes of Study 1 were to evaluate expression of micro-dystrophin in skeletal muscle, and to evaluate the effect of ELEVIDYS on the North Star Ambulatory Assessment (NSAA) total score.

Results of micro-dystrophin measured by western blot are presented in Table 5 [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.2)].

The change in NSAA total score was assessed from baseline to Week 48 after infusion of ELEVIDYS or placebo. The difference between the ELEVIDYS and placebo groups was not statistically significant (p=0.37). The least squares (LS) mean changes in NSAA total score from baseline to Week 48 was 1.7 (standard error [SE]: 0.6) points for the ELEVIDYS group and 0.9 (SE: 0.6) points for the placebo group.

Exploratory subgroup analyses showed that for patients aged 4 through 5 years, the LS mean changes (SE) in NSAA total score from baseline to Week 48 were 4.3 (0.7) points for the ELEVIDYS group, and 1.9 (0.7) points for the placebo group, a numerical advantage for ELEVIDYS. For patients aged 6 through 7 years, the LS mean changes (SE) in NSAA total score from baseline to Week 48 were -0.2 (0.7) points for the ELEVIDYS group and 0.5 (0.7) points for the placebo group, a numerical disadvantage for ELEVIDYS.

Study 2

Study 2 is an ongoing, open-label, multi-center study which includes 5 cohorts of 48 male DMD patients.

Patients in cohorts 1, 2 and 3 have a confirmed frameshift, splice site or premature stop codon mutation anywhere in the DMD gene, while patients in cohort 4 included patients with mutations in the DMD gene starting at or after exon 18. All patients in cohort 5 had mutations that partially or fully overlap with exons 1-17 in the DMD gene. Patients received corticosteroids for DMD before infusion according to Table 1 [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. All patients had baseline anti-AAVrh74 antibodies titers ≤1:400 as determined by the investigational total binding antibody ELISA. Patients received a single intravenous infusion of 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg ELEVIDYS if they weighed less than 70 kg or 9.31 × 1015 vg/kg total fixed dose if they weighed 70 kg or greater.

Cohorts 1, 2, 4 and 5a enroll 40 ambulatory patients 3 to 12 years of age, with weights ranging from 12.5 to 50.5 kg, baseline mean NSAA total score of 20.3 (11 to 30), and mean time to rise from floor of 4.7 seconds (2.4 to 9.7). Cohorts 3 and 5b include 8 non-ambulatory patients 10 to 20 years of age, with weights ranging from 36.1 to 80.1 kg. Overall key demographics and key baseline characteristics by Cohort are presented in Table 7.
Table 7: Key Demographic and Baseline Characteristics for Study 2
a NSAA and Time to rise from floor were not evaluated in non-ambulatory patients
Characteristics All (n=48) Cohort 1 (n=20) Cohort 2 (n=7) Cohort 3 a (n=6) Cohort 4 (n=7) Cohort 5a (n=6) Cohort 5b a (n=2)
Race (%)Asian/Black or African American/White/Other 8/6/77/8 5/5/75/15 14/0/71/14 0/0/100/0 14/0/86/0 0/33/67/0 50/0/50/0
Ethnicity (%)Hispanic or Latino/Not Hispanic or Latino 15/85 25/75 14/86 0/100 14/86 0/100 0/100
Mean age[range] (years) 7.7[3.2 to 20.2] 5.8[4.4 to 7.9] 10.1[8.0 to 12.1] 15.3[9.9 to 20.2] 3.5[3.2 to 3.9] 6.7[4.7 to 8.6] 13.4[12.3 to 14.6]
Mean weight [range] (kg) 30.1[12.5 to 80.1] 21.2[15.2 to 33.1] 37.1[28.0 to 50.5] 59.9[36.1 to 80.1] 15.2[12.5, 16.5] 32.1[19.1, 47.4] 51.2[43.4, 59.0]
Mean NSAA total score [range] 20.3(11 to 30) 22.1[18 to 26] 20.7[17 to 26] N/A 12.9[11 to 17] 22.5[18 to 30] N/A
Mean time to rise from floor [range] (seconds) 4.7(2.4 to 9.7) 4.2[2.4 to 8.2] 5.9[3.8 to 9.7] N/A 5.2[3.8, to 6.7] 4.6[2.5 to 7.7] N/A
Mean Performance of Upper Limb v. 2.0 score [range] 30.7[18 to 42] NA 38.9[33 to 42] 22.2[18 to 31] NA NA 27.5[21 to 34]

The efficacy outcome measure of the study was to evaluate the effect of micro-dystrophin expression as measured by western blot. Results are presented in Table 5 [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.2)].

Study 3

Study 3 is a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which 125 ambulatory male patients aged 4 through 7 years, with a confirmed frameshift, splice site, premature stop codon, or other disease-causing mutation in the DMD gene starting at or after exon 18, were dosed. Patients with exon 45 (inclusive), or in-frame deletions, in-frame duplications, and variants of uncertain significance (“VUSâ€), were excluded. Patients received corticosteroids for DMD before infusion according to Table 1 [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. All patients had baseline anti-AAVrh74 antibodies titers <1:400 as determined by the investigational total binding antibody ELISA and received a single intravenous infusion of 1.33 × 1014 vg/kg ELEVIDYS. Key demographic and baseline characteristics are presented in Table 8.

The efficacy outcome measure of the study was to evaluate the effect of ELEVIDYS on physical function as assessed by the NSAA total score. Key secondary outcome measures were to evaluate expression of micro-dystrophin in skeletal muscle, time to rise from floor, and time of 10-meter walk/run. Additional efficacy outcome measures included time of 100-meter walk/run, and time to ascend 4 steps. Results of micro-dystrophin measured by western blot are presented in Table 5 [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.2)].
Table 8: Key Demographic and Baseline Characteristics for Study 3
Characteristic ELEVIDYS (n=63) Placebo (n=62)
Race (%)Asian/Black or African American/ White/Multiple/Other/Not Reported 13/0/78/2/3/5 18/3/74/0/2/3
Ethnicity (%)Hispanic or Latino/Not Hispanic or Latino/Not Reported/Unknown 24/75/0/2 13/86/2/0
Mean age[range] (years) 6.0[4.1, 7.9] 6.1[4.0, 7.9]
Mean weight[range] (kg) 21.3[13.5, 38.5] 22.4[14.4, 41.6]
Mean NSAA total score[range] 23.10(14 to 32) 22.82(15.5 to 30)
Mean time to rise from floor[range] (seconds) 3.52(1.9 to 5.8) 3.60(2.3 to 5)
Mean time of 10-meter walk/run[range] (seconds) 4.82(3.2 to 6.9) 4.92(3.7 to 7)
Mean time of 100-meter walk/run[range] (seconds) 60.67(38.0 to 129.2) 63.01(38.7 to 118.1)
Mean time to ascend 4 steps[range] (seconds) 3.17(1.6 to 7.1) 3.37(1.5 to 7.1)

The change in NSAA total score was assessed from baseline to Week 52 after infusion of ELEVIDYS or placebo. The difference between the ELEVIDYS (n=63) and placebo groups (n=61) was not statistically significant (p=0.24). The least squares (LS) mean changes in NSAA total score from baseline to Week 52 was 2.57 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.80, 3.34) points for the ELEVIDYS group and 1.92 (95% CI: 1.14, 2.70) points for the placebo group, with a LS mean difference from placebo of 0.65 (95% CI: -0.45, 1.74). Changes of clinical relevance were noted in three secondary efficacy endpoints, including time to rise from the floor, 10-meter walk/run and time to ascend 4 steps.
Table 9: Change from Baseline to Week 52 of Timed Function Tests in Study 3 Part 1
ELEVIDYS Placebo LS Mean Difference from placebo (95% CI)
Time to rise from the floor (seconds) n=63 n=61 -
LS mean Change (95% CI) -0.27(-0.56, 0.02) 0.37(0.08, 0.67) -0.64(-1.06, -0.23)
Time of 10-meter walk/run (seconds) n=63 n=61 -
LS mean Change (95% CI) -0.34(-0.55, -0.14) 0.08(-0.13, 0.29) -0.42(-0.71, -0.13)
Time of 100-meter walk/run (seconds) n=59 n=57 -
LS mean Change (95% CI) -6.57(-10.05, -3.09) -3.28(-6.86, 0.29) -3.29(-8.28, 1.70)
Time to ascend 4 steps (seconds) n=62 n=60 -
LS mean Change (95% CI) -0.44(-0.69, -0.20) -0.08(-0.33, 0.17) -0.36(-0.71, -0.01)

16 How Supplied/storage And Handling

16.1 How Supplied

ELEVIDYS is shipped frozen (≤ -60ºC [-76ºF]) in 10 mL vials.

ELEVIDYS is supplied as a customized kit to meet dosing requirements for each patient [see Dosage and Administration (2.1)]. Each kit contains:
  • Ten (10) to seventy (70) single-dose vials of ELEVIDYS
  • One alcohol wipe per vial

Each ELEVIDYS pack may contain a maximum of two different drug product lots.

The total number of vials in each kit corresponds to the dosing requirement for the individual patient, based on the patient's body weight, and is specified on the package [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. Each kit includes a specified number of ELEVIDYS vials (with a minimum of 10 vials for a patient with 10.0 – 10.4 kg body weight range, and a maximum of 70 vials for a patient with body weight of 69.5 kg and above).

Kit sizes and National Drug Codes (NDC) are provided in Table 10.
Table 10: ELEVIDYS Multi-vial Kits
Patient Weight (kg) Total Vials per Kit Total Dose Volume per Kit (mL) NDC Number
10.0 – 10.4 10 100 60923-501-10
10.5 – 11.4 11 110 60923-502-11
11.5 – 12.4 12 120 60923-503-12
12.5 – 13.4 13 130 60923-504-13
13.5 – 14.4 14 140 60923-505-14
14.5 – 15.4 15 150 60923-506-15
15.5 – 16.4 16 160 60923-507-16
16.5 – 17.4 17 170 60923-508-17
17.5 – 18.4 18 180 60923-509-18
18.5 – 19.4 19 190 60923-510-19
19.5 – 20.4 20 200 60923-511-20
20.5 – 21.4 21 210 60923-512-21
21.5 – 22.4 22 220 60923-513-22
22.5 – 23.4 23 230 60923-514-23
23.5 – 24.4 24 240 60923-515-24
24.5 – 25.4 25 250 60923-516-25
25.5 – 26.4 26 260 60923-517-26
26.5 – 27.4 27 270 60923-518-27
27.5 – 28.4 28 280 60923-519-28
28.5 – 29.4 29 290 60923-520-29
29.5 – 30.4 30 300 60923-521-30
30.5 – 31.4 31 310 60923-522-31
31.5 – 32.4 32 320 60923-523-32
32.5 – 33.4 33 330 60923-524-33
33.5 – 34.4 34 340 60923-525-34
34.5 – 35.4 35 350 60923-526-35
35.5 – 36.4 36 360 60923-527-36
36.5 – 37.4 37 370 60923-528-37
37.5 – 38.4 38 380 60923-529-38
38.5 – 39.4 39 390 60923-530-39
39.5 – 40.4 40 400 60923-531-40
40.5 – 41.4 41 410 60923-532-41
41.5 – 42.4 42 420 60923-533-42
42.5 – 43.4 43 430 60923-534-43
43.5 – 44.4 44 440 60923-535-44
44.5 – 45.4 45 450 60923-536-45
45.5 – 46.4 46 460 60923-537-46
46.5 – 47.4 47 470 60923-538-47
47.5 – 48.4 48 480 60923-539-48
48.5 – 49.4 49 490 60923-540-49
49.5 – 50.4 50 500 60923-541-50
50.5 – 51.4 51 510 60923-542-51
51.5 – 52.4 52 520 60923-543-52
52.5 – 53.4 53 530 60923-544-53
53.5 – 54.4 54 540 60923-545-54
54.5 – 55.4 55 550 60923-546-55
55.5 – 56.4 56 560 60923-547-56
56.5 – 57.4 57 570 60923-548-57
57.5 – 58.4 58 580 60923-549-58
58.5 – 59.4 59 590 60923-550-59
59.5 – 60.4 60 600 60923-551-60
60.5 – 61.4 61 610 60923-552-61
61.5 – 62.4 62 620 60923-553-62
62.5 – 63.4 63 630 60923-554-63
63.5 – 64.4 64 640 60923-555-64
64.5 – 65.4 65 650 60923-556-65
65.5 – 66.4 66 660 60923-557-66
66.5 – 67.4 67 670 60923-558-67
67.5 – 68.4 68 680 60923-559-68
68.5 – 69.4 69 690 60923-560-69
69.5 and above 70 700 60923-561-70

A 10 mL single-dose vial carton for ELEVIDYS (NDC 60923-562-01) is not sold individually.

16.2 Storage and Handling

  • ELEVIDYS is shipped and delivered at ≤ −60ºC [−76ºF].
  • ELEVIDYS can be refrigerated for up to 14 days when stored at 2°C to 8°C (36º F to 46º F) in the upright position.
  • Do not refreeze.
  • Do not shake.
  • Do not place back in the refrigerator once brought to room temperature.
  • Follow local guidelines on handling of biological waste.

17 Patient Counseling Information

Inform patients or caregivers that:
  • Infusion-related reactions including hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis have occurred during and after ELEVIDYS infusion. Possible symptoms of infusion-related reactions are fast heart rate, fast breathing, swollen lips, being short of breath, nostrils widening, hives, red and blotchy skin, itchy or inflamed lips, rash, vomiting, nausea, chills and fever. Contact a healthcare provider immediately if the patient experiences such a reaction [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)].
  • ELEVIDYS can increase certain liver enzyme levels and cause acute serious liver injury. Patients will receive oral corticosteroid medication before and after infusion with ELEVIDYS. Weekly blood tests will be required to monitor liver enzyme levels for 3 months after treatment. Contact a healthcare provider immediately if the patient's skin and/or whites of the eyes appear yellowish, or if the patient misses a dose of corticosteroid or vomits it up [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)].
  • Immune-mediated myositis (an immune response affecting muscles) was observed in patients with a deletion mutation in the DMD gene that is contraindicated. Contact a physician immediately if the patient experiences any unexplained increased muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, including difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing or difficulty speaking, as these may be symptoms of myositis [see Warnings and Precautions (5.3)].
  • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) has been observed within days following ELEVIDYS infusion. Weekly monitoring of troponin-I for the first month after treatment is required. Contact a healthcare provider immediately if the patient begins to experience chest pain and/or shortness of breath [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)].
  • Patient's immunizations should be up to date with current immunization guidelines prior to initiation of the corticosteroid regimen required before ELEVIDYS infusion. Vaccinations should be completed at least 4 weeks prior to initiation of the corticosteroid regimen [see Drug Interactions (7)].
  • Due to the concomitant administration of corticosteroids, an infection (e.g., cold, flu, gastroenteritis, otitis media, bronchiolitis, etc.) before or after ELEVIDYS infusion could lead to more serious complications. Contact a healthcare provider immediately if symptoms suggestive of infection are observed (e.g., coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, or fever).
  • Vector shedding of ELEVIDYS occurs primarily through body waste. Practice proper hand hygiene, such as hand washing, when coming into direct contact with patient body waste. Place potentially contaminated materials that may have the patient's bodily fluids/waste in a sealable bag and dispose into regular trash. These precautions should be followed for one month after ELEVIDYS infusion.

Manufactured for: Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. Cambridge, MA 02142 USAU.S. license number 2308

SAREPTA, SAREPTA THERAPEUTICS and ELEVIDYS are trademarks of Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. ©2023 Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel –Carton Kit Label

delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl


1.33 x 1013 vector genomes/mL

Suspension for Infusion

For Intravenous Use

See enclosed prescribing information for dosageand administration instructions.


Discard unusedportion

Single patient use

Store unopened vials at ≤-60°C (-76°F) inoriginal carton.

Unopened vials can be refrigerated for up to

14 days at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F).



Rx Only

Manufactured for Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.,Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

US License No. 2308



Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 10 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-501-10



Patient Weight:

10.0 - 10.4 kg

Kit Contents:

10 x 10 mL vials

10 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 11 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-502-11


Patient Weight:

10.5 - 11.4 kg

Kit Contents:

11 x 10 mL vials

11 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 12 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-503-12



Patient Weight:

11.5 - 12.4 kg

Kit Contents:

12 x 10 mL vials

12 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 13 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-504-13


Patient Weight:

12.5 - 13.4 kg

Kit Contents:

13 x 10 mL vials

13 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 14 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-505-14


Patient Weight:

13.5 - 14.4 kg

Kit Contents:

14 x 10 mL vials

14 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 15 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-506-15


Patient Weight:

14.5 - 15.4 kg

Kit Contents:

15 x 10 mL vials

15 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 16 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-507-16


Patient Weight:

15.5 - 16.4 kg

Kit Contents:

16 x 10 mL vials

16 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 17 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-508-17


Patient Weight:

16.5 - 17.4 kg

Kit Contents:

17 x 10 mL vials

17 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 18 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-509-18


Patient Weight:

17.5 - 18.4 kg

Kit Contents:

18 x 10 mL vials

18 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 19 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-510-19


Patient Weight:

18.5 - 19.4 kg

Kit Contents:

19 x 10 mL vials

19 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 20 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-511-20



Patient Weight:

19.5 - 20.4 kg

Kit Contents:

20 x 10 mL vials

20 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 21 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-512-21


Patient Weight:

20.5 - 21.4 kg

Kit Contents:

21 x 10 mL vials

21 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 22 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-513-22


Patient Weight:

21.5 - 22.4 kg

Kit Contents:

22 x 10 mL vials

22 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 23 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-514-23


Patient Weight:

22.5 - 23.4 kg

Kit Contents:

23 x 10 mL vials

23 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 24 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-515-24


Patient Weight:

23.5 - 24.4 kg

Kit Contents:

24 x 10 mL vials

24 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 25 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-516-25


Patient Weight:

24.5 - 25.4 kg

Kit Contents:

25 x 10 mL vials

25 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 26 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-517-26


Patient Weight:

25.5 - 26.4 kg

Kit Contents:

26 x 10 mL vials

26 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 27 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-518-27


Patient Weight:

26.5 - 27.4 kg

Kit Contents:

27 x 10 mL vials

27 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 28 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-519-28


Patient Weight:

27.5 - 28.4 kg

Kit Contents:

28 x 10 mL vials

28 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 29 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-520-29


Patient Weight:

28.5 - 29.4 kg

Kit Contents:

29 x 10 mL vials

29 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 30 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-521-30


Patient Weight:

29.5 - 30.4 kg

Kit Contents:

30 x 10 mL vials

30 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 31 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-522-31


Patient Weight:

30.5 - 31.4 kg

Kit Contents:

31 x 10 mL vials

31 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 32 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-523-32


Patient Weight:

31.5 - 32.4 kg

Kit Contents:

32 x 10 mL vials

32 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 33 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-524-33


Patient Weight:

32.5 - 33.4 kg

Kit Contents:

33 x 10 mL vials

33 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 34 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-525-34


Patient Weight:

33.5 - 34.4 kg

Kit Contents:

34 x 10 mL vials

34 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 35 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-526-35


Patient Weight:

34.5 - 35.4 kg

Kit Contents:

35 x 10 mL vials

35 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 36 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-527-36


Patient Weight:

35.5 - 36.4 kg

Kit Contents:

36 x 10 mL vials

36 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 37 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-528-37


Patient Weight:

36.5 - 37.4 kg

Kit Contents:

37 x 10 mL vials

37 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 38 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-529-38


Patient Weight:

37.5 - 38.4 kg

Kit Contents:

38 x 10 mL vials

38 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 39 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-530-39


Patient Weight:

38.5 - 39.4 kg

Kit Contents:

39 x 10 mL vials

39 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 40 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-531-40


Patient Weight:

39.5 - 40.4 kg

Kit Contents:

40 x 10 mL vials

40 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 41 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-532-41


Patient Weight:

40.5 - 41.4 kg

Kit Contents:

41 x 10 mL vials

41 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 42 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-533-42


Patient Weight:

41.5 - 42.4 kg

Kit Contents:

42 x 10 mL vials

42 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 43 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-534-43


Patient Weight:

42.5 - 43.4 kg

Kit Contents:

43 x 10 mL vials

43 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 44 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-535-44


Patient Weight:

43.5 - 44.4 kg

Kit Contents:

44 x 10 mL vials

44 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 45 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-536-45


Patient Weight:

44.5 - 45.4 kg

Kit Contents:

45 x 10 mL vials

45 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 46 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-537-46


Patient Weight:

45.5 - 46.4 kg

Kit Contents:

46 x 10 mL vials

46 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 47 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-538-47


Patient Weight:

46.5 - 47.4 kg

Kit Contents:

47 x 10 mL vials

47 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 48 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-539-48


Patient Weight:

47.5 - 48.4 kg

Kit Contents:

48 x 10 mL vials

48 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 49 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-540-49


Patient Weight:

48.5 - 49.4 kg

Kit Contents:

49 x 10 mL vials

49 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 50 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-541-50


Patient Weight:

49.5 - 50.4 kg

Kit Contents:

50 x 10 mL vials

50 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel –Carton Kit Label

delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl


1.33 x 1013 vector genomes/mL

Suspension for Infusion

For Intravenous Use

See enclosed prescribing information for dosageand administration instructions.


Discard unusedportion

Single patient use

Store unopened vials at ≤-60°C (-76°F) inoriginal carton.

Unopened vials can be refrigerated for up to

14 days at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F).



Rx Only

Manufactured for Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.,Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

US License No. 2308

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel –Carton Kit Label

delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl


1.33 x 1013 vector genomes/mL

Suspension for Infusion

For Intravenous Use

See enclosed prescribing information for dosageand administration instructions.


Discard unusedportion

Single patient use

Store unopened vials at ≤-60°C (-76°F) inoriginal carton.

Unopened vials can be refrigerated for up to

14 days at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F).



Rx Only

Manufactured for Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.,Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

US License No. 2308

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel –Vial Label

delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl


1.33 x 1013 vector genomes/mL

Suspension for infusion. Single-dose vial 10 mL.For intravenous use. Store at ≤ -60°C (-76°F).

Do not refreeze. Do not shake.

Mfg. for: Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.,Cambridge, MA 02142 USAUS License No. 2308

Rx Only

NDC 60923-562-01

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 51 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-542-51


Patient Weight:

50.5 - 51.4 kg

Kit Contents:

51 x 10 mL vials

51 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 52 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-543-52


Patient Weight:

51.5 - 52.4 kg

Kit Contents:

52 x 10 mL vials

52 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 53 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-544-53


Patient Weight:

52.5 - 53.4 kg

Kit Contents:

53 x 10 mL vials

53 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 54 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-545-54


Patient Weight:

53.5 - 54.4 kg

Kit Contents:

54 x 10 mL vials

54 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 55 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-546-55


Patient Weight:

54.5 - 55.4 kg

Kit Contents:

55 x 10 mL vials

55 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 56 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-547-56


Patient Weight:

55.5 - 56.4 kg

Kit Contents:

56 x 10 mL vials

56 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 57 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-548-57


Patient Weight:

56.5 - 57.4 kg

Kit Contents:

57 x 10 mL vials

57 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 58 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-549-58


Patient Weight:

57.5 - 58.4 kg

Kit Contents:

58 x 10 mL vials

58 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 59 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-550-59


Patient Weight:

58.5 - 59.4 kg

Kit Contents:

59 x 10 mL vials

59 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 60 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-551-60


Patient Weight:

59.5 - 60.4 kg

Kit Contents:

60 x 10 mL vials

60 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 61 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-552-61


Patient Weight:

60.5 - 61.4 kg

Kit Contents:

61 x 10 mL vials

61 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 62 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-553-62


Patient Weight:

61.5 - 62.4 kg

Kit Contents:

62 x 10 mL vials

62 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 63 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-554-63


Patient Weight:

62.5 - 63.4 kg

Kit Contents:

63 x 10 mL vials

63 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 64 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-555-64


Patient Weight:

63.5 - 64.4 kg

Kit Contents:

64 x 10 mL vials

64 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 65 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-556-65


Patient Weight:

64.5 - 65.4 kg

Kit Contents:

65 x 10 mL vials

65 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 66 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-557-66


Patient Weight:

65.5 - 66.4 kg

Kit Contents:

66 x 10 mL vials

66 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 67 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-558-67


Patient Weight:

66.5 - 67.4 kg

Kit Contents:

67 x 10 mL vials

67 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 68 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-559-68


Patient Weight:

67.5 - 68.4 kg

Kit Contents:

68 x 10 mL vials

68 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 69 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-560-69


Patient Weight:

68.5 - 69.4 kg

Kit Contents:

69 x 10 mL vials

69 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel -10 mL 70 count Carton Label

NDC: 60923-561-70


Patient Weight:

69.5 kg andabove

Kit Contents:

70 x 10 mL vials

70 alcohol swabs

Package Label.principal Display Panel

Principal Display Panel – 10 mL Vial Label

NDC: 60923-562-01

delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl


1.33 x 1013 vector genomes/mL

Suspension for Infusion

For Intravenous Use

See enclosed prescribing informationfor dosage and administration instructions.

Rx Only


1 vial


"This tool does not provide medical advice, and is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Call your doctor to receive medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, please dial 911."

"Do not rely on openFDA to make decisions regarding medical care. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. We may limit or otherwise restrict your access to the API in line with our Terms of Service."

"This product uses publicly available data from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product."

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