774 Pill ROUND Imprint DR
Andrx 825
white round X N score
white round PF 5 score
white round WXL 150
round white 0 5 N
orange round N 10 score
round green PE8 APO
white round APO 80 score
round white 150 RNT
white round T 20 score
round white APO 80 cross score
round orange 300 score
round white APO SR 20
white round N 5 score
round white T 40 score
pink round CLONAZEPAM 1 0
round white ICN C23
round pink 75 TV
round white C 11 score
round red D V NVR score
yellow round 05
round white CLONAZEPAM 2 0 score
round pink 100 N N score
round orange 130 MP 5 score
white round novo 100 score
round yellow NOVO 50 score
white round P F 10 score
round white Leaf logo F20
round white APAP 325 score
round white LP 100
white round C11 score
round white X Z score
round white L 84 score
round white 2 5 N
round yellow APO AP 2 5
round green N 40 score
round white 10 P F score
round brown Cobalt QT
red round 10 score
white round N 1 6 score
orange round EMTEC 30 score
round white HC20
round brown 50
round yellow P 7 5 M score
round white N 10
round orange S/S
round white 7671 P U score
green round N 40 score
round yellow B 10 score
round orange APO 50 score
brown round PMS 1 score
round white C01 N N score
white round DSM 75
round pink F10
white round APO 5 score
round yellow 123 MP 20 score
round orange NOVO 50
white round N 5
brown round T5 APO
round green novo 6 score
round yellow APO H4
round yellow T 40 score
yellow round T 40 score
round orange 100 TV
blue round FT5
round yellow N 2 5 score
round white 8 PMS score
round yellow logo QT 100
blue round N N 5 score
round white 100 N score
round white 10 V score
round white APO MTP 10 score
round white QT 100
round pink 10 score
round white N 1 6 score
orange round 50 NOVO score
round white G BR 5
white round 5 P F score
round white 8 N
blue round 10
green round P8
round white APO 5 score
yellow round QT 100 logo
white round L 84 score
round blue 10
round orange N
round blue 5V score
round white QT 100 Cobalt logo
round blue V
round white 10 TL
round white P U 7671 score
white round 250
round blue A
round white 0 1 no vo score
round white P 15 M score
white round DSM 50
round pink M RN
round white 100 novo score
round yellow OCD 40 APO
round white V 10 score
orange round NOVO 50 score
blue round 81
yellow round 100
round white L
round yellow 7 5 N
round yellow APO 40 score
round white ALL 100 score
round white 7 5 M P score
round white 10 P F score
round blue 110 MP 10 score
yellow round 2 5 N score
round yellow B 5 score
round yellow ZMT 2 5
round pink NVR D V score
round red G TO 200
round yellow G TO 100
round pink 10 score
round yellow 05
round white RZT 10
round white RZT 5
round white N 7 5
white round WXL 300
round orange N 10 12 5
round white N cross score
round white rph A52
round white rph A51
white round L 84 score
round white 110 MP 10 score
orange round D 5 score
round yellow OX 10 APO score
blue round 81
round white 1 6 N score
round white 110 MP 10 score
round white 100 N N score
yellow round leaf logo F 40 score
round white 110 MP 10 score
round blue 5 V score
yellow round RT1
round white D 74 score
round orange F 27
round pink D 20
biconvex blue round 10
round yellow C 54
round yellow C 53
round yellow C 52
round yellow C 51
round white A 38
round white A 37
round white A 36
round yellow F 2 score
round yellow Z 45
round white FV 50 Cobalt logo score
round pink AR LIS 20
white round L 84 score
round pink J 14 score
round pink J 13 score
round pink J 12 score
round white J 11 score
round white X 88 score
round white X 87
round pink AL 30
round white AL 20
round yellow AL 15
round white X 47
peach round EMTEC 30 score
round white 10 N
round white X N score
round yellow 100
round white QT 200 logo
round orange QT 100 logo Cobalt
round white 10 N
round white 10 NO
blue round APO 5 score
round white M M score
round white APO M 500 score
round white 0 1 no vo score
round white 25 T
round orange logo QT
round pink TV 75
orange round 50 NOVO score
round pink FS 1
blue round 5 N N score
round white 100 novo score
round white 5 N
yellow round T 40 score
white round TEC 30 score
round white QT 200 logo
round brown M AP 2
round green 1 PMS score
blue round V 5 score
round yellow 2 5 M 1 score
white round Z 5
round purple E1 score
white round OZ 5 G
white round BEN 2 score
round white BEN 2 score
round white logo M M score
round white 8 PMS score
orange round logo Cobalt QT
yellow round IA 25
round white QT 200 Cobalt logo
round pink RK 76
round white RK 75
round pink RT3
round pink A20
round pink RT2
round pink A10
round yellow RT1
round yellow A5
round white R150
round white RBX R12 score
round pink RX 534
round pink RX 533
round pink RX 532 score
round white RX 709
round pink r bx CC16 score
round pink r bx CC8 score
round white R C 4 score
round white RBX A 100 score
round white RBX A 50 score
round white KT 05 score
round white 10 V score
blue round 5 N N score
orange round 50 NOVO score
yellow round 100 N N score
orange round N 2 5 score
round white C50 N N score
orange round 2 PMS score
white round N 20 score
white round 8 PMS score
round blue APO 5 score
white round DSM 50
round pink rph 031
white round APO 25 score
round green 0 5 A
round white N 2 5
round white TO 25 G
blue round IA 10
blue round N
round white 30 PH
round green 6 novo score
round white Z X score
round blue 110 MP 10 score
orange round H 25 score
green round 1 PMS score
pink round QT Cobalt logo
round yellow QT 100 logo
round brown APO SR M100
round white 100 novo score
round blue ROCHE 10 score
round pink Cobalt logo QT
blue round APO 5 score
round white RXP 500
round pink GRAVOL score
round white logo A B score
white round C20 score
white round novo 50 score
round yellow logo ML 7 5
round white APO 500 score
round blue 5 V score
round white 10 N
round yellow P 7 5 M score
round white OZ 2 5 G
round white MP 10 110 score
round pink pms 409
round orange red F10
round white 250
blue round 5 N N score
blue round 81
round orange QT 100 logo
blue round 5 N N score
round white APO 20
brown round Cobalt logo QT
yellow round 7 5 M P score
round white 150 RNT
round yellow 15 M P score
round orange 2 D
white round DSM 50
round yellow 1 Nscore
white round TEC 3
green round PMS 1 score
white round NO VO 0 1 score
round white WXL 150
round white 1 6 N score
round white G OZ 2 5
round pink ALL 200 score
round white OZ 5 G
round yellow 17 ZY
white round KE 10
pink round N N 200 score
round white 10 V score
white round N 2 5 score
round yellow 100 N N score
round white novo 100 score
brown round 50
round blue 10
blue round 10
yellow round 25
round yellow 25
round red HM 8
white round DSM 75
white round Z 5
round yellow Cobalt logo ML 7 5
round white Z 5
round white logo QT 200
round white ZPD 10
round yellow APO OX 15 score
pink round Cobalt logo QT
round white P F 10 score
round yellow ZY 17
round white APO C 2 score
round white WXL 300
round white MA D 10 score
round white TL 10
yellow round MP 20 123 score
yellow round 7 5 M P score
green round A 0 5
white round P 7 5 M score
round white 10 ON
round yellow N 2 5 score
yellow round IA 25
orange round CLONAZEPAM pms 0 5 score
yellow round leaf logo F 40 score
orange round NO VO 0 2 score
round blue 5 V score
round white C11 score
round orange D 2
round blue OXY 5 score
round yellow 40 ON
round white 0 1 NO VO score
round white 250
round white Cobalt M M score
blue round APO 5 score
yellow round 50
orange round NOVO 50 score
round pink logo Cobalt QT
round pink R10
round pink PMS score
round orange PMS score
round green PMS score
round blue PMS score
round green APO H1
round yellow ATASOL 15 score
round orange ATASOL 8 score
round green ATASOL 30 score
blue round N N 5 score
round pink A10
round yellow RT 1
round orange Z 3 75
round orange T 200
round yellow T 100
round yellow T 50
round white T 25
round yellow T 25 score
round white P score
round blue TRZ 10
round brown TRZ 5
round orange TRZ 2
round white TRZ 1
round white P S25
round brown pms score
round pink SF 10
round yellow SF 5
round white SD 20
round white R 10
round white R 5
round white RNT 150
round yellow RB20
round pink RB10
round brown QP 20
round white 200
round yellow 100
round green P8
round white P2
round white P 2 5
round white OZ 10
round white OZ 7 5
round white OZ 5
round white OZ 2 5
round pink NF ER 60
round pink NF ER 30
round pink MTK 5
round yellow MP 20 123
round orange MP 5 130 score
round white MET 500 score
round yellow P 15 M score
round yellow LT 2 5
round brown I M 100 score
round orange H 50 score
round orange H 25 score
round blue FS 5
round brown FS 1
round white FM 250
round white FM 125
round yellow DP 10
round white DP 5
round orange 2 PMS score
round white 10
round pink P SR 100
round white DSM 75
round white DSM 50
round yellow C 0 6 score
round pink CD 75
round pink CLONAZEPAM 1 0
round orange CLONAZEPAM pms 0 5 score
round blue CLONAZEPAM
round pink C 32 score
round pink C 16 score
round pink C 8 score
round white C 4 score
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round white BIC 50
round white B24 score
round white B16 score
round purple AM 100
round pink 200 score
round pink P 100
round yellow M 1 2 5 score
yellow round P 7 5 M score
round orange N
white round TEC 30 score
white round Cobalt logo M M score
round white CIBA 79 score
round blue V 5 score
yellow round N 80 score
round purple APO WAR 2 score
round pink Cobalt logo QT
round white P F 10 score
round white 93 8147
round yellow Z2 5
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round white N 25
round brown N 200
round white N 20 score
round white N 10
round yellow 336
round white novo 50 50 score
round white novo 25 25 score
round pink TEVA S10
round yellow TEVA S5
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round white rph R101
round green RIS 4 score
round yellow RIS 3 score
round pink RIS 2 score
round white RIS 1 score
round brown RIS 0 5 score
round blue R150
round white GIL 1
round white GIL 0 5
round pink N 10
round white Cobalt logo QT 200
round white N 5 score
round white novo 2 score
round white 45
round white 30
round white 15
round yellow TEC score
round white 8 N
round orange OH 21
round white OL 20
round yellow N 7 5
round yellow N 1 5 score
round white N N 1 0 score
round orange N N 2 5 score
round orange N 20 25
round white N 20 12 5
round pink N 20
round pink N 10
round pink N 5
round pink Cobalt logo L 5 score
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round brown N I 100 score
round brown IT 1 score
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round blue N 10 score
round green N 5 score
round pink N 2 score
round yellow N 1 score
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round white N score
round yellow T 40 score
round white T 20 score
round white E 2 5
round white Cobalt logo FV 50 score
round blue FT5
round white Cobalt logo FC 250
round white Cobalt logo FC 125
round white Cobalt logo EM
round white N N C01 score
round white rph D82
round yellow rph D81
round yellow novo 60 score
round green novo 30
round brown N 50
round brown N 25
round white TEC 15
round pink TV 75
round orange no vo 0 2 score
round white no vo 0 1 score
round blue N
round white N N C10 score
round white C11
round white N 100 score
round white N N C50 score
round white N 2 5 score
round white C20 score
round green novo 6 score
round white N 2 4 score
round white N 1 6 score
round white N 8
round white 5271 93
round pink 5270 93 score
round white 93 220
round pink 77 727
round white logo AN 100 score
round white logo AN 50 score
round white N N 25 score
round red dp 575
round white AL
round pink N N 200 score
round white N 100 score
round pink ACV 400 score
round blue ACV 200 score
round Cobalt logo M M score
round yellow 40
round yellow APO OCD 40
blue round APO 10 score
round white no vo 0 1 score
round orange S S
round pink APO 2 5
round white 10 OXY score
white round PMS 8 score
round white 20 12 5 score
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round orange Q
white round WXL 300
round blue OXY 5 score
blue round OXY 5 score
round orange PMS 2 score
round green APO MTP 10 score
round white APO MED 10 score
round orange Cobalt logo QT 100
round white N 5
round orange TV 100
round orange NO VO 0 2 score
round blue 5V score
round yellow R20
round white TEC score
round green PMS 1 score
round white N X score
round blue APO 5 score
round brown N 50
round blue 5 OXY
round blue APO 10 score
round brown AHI
round white APO MTP 20 score
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round white APO 30 score
round green APO D30
round green APO D30
round white KE 10
round white Cobalt logo M M score
yellow round N 2 5 score
round white Cobalt logo M M score
pink round QT
round blue N N 5 score
round white PH 30
round orange D 5 APO score
round orange logo QT
round orange arrow logo QT
round pink logo arrow QT
round pink RPH R 113
round white ROCHE 10 score
round yellow N N 100 score
round pink N N 100 score
yellow round N N 100 score
round white V 10 score
round white 10 V
round white APO C 2
round yellow 7 5 M P logo
round white McNeil
round orange EMTEC 30 score
round yellow P 40
round orange QT 100 logo
round yellow R20
round white 10 ON
round yellow N 100
round white APO ZOP 5
round white APO 25 score
round white logo M M score
yellow round R20
round white 10V score
round white Z 5
round yellow APO 5
white round 2 0 CLONAZEPAM score
round white C 2 APO score
round white APO 50 score
round yellow P 7 5 M
round white ZI 5
round white PH 30
round white APO 325 score
round brown OCD 30 APO
round white novo 50 score
round pink novo 3 score
round white PMS 8 score
round white Z 5
white round N 8
round white novo 100
round blue 11 TL
yellow round leaf logo F 40 score
green round N 5 score
round white APO H2
round blue TL 11
round white SZ 20
round yellow 2 5 N score
round orange N 10 score
round white 0636
white round APO 5 score
round purple TARO WARFARIN 2
blue round 5V score
round white TEC 30 score
yellow round PMS 4 score
round white ON 10
round white ON 10
orange round APO D 5 score
brown round APO T5
round white APO 5 325
round white A 61
round white APO 2
round white APO 325
round orange S S
round white RU 20
round blue IA 10
round white 2 4 N score
round white 2 4 N score
white round APO 50 score
round blue MP 10 110 score
round blue N N 5 score
round yellow APO OX 10 score
round blue 5 V score
round white LN score
round green APO PE8
round green APO PE8
round orange P 25
round orange APO 300
round orange ASA 80
pink round 77 227
green round 1 PMS score
round white RPC 059
round orange P
white round NO VO 0 1 score
round yellow 25
round brown 50
round green N 40 score
round white G BR5
round yellow 50
blue round A
round white CLONAZEPAM 2 0 score
blue round V
blue round V
round orange Paladin shield logo
round white N 0 5
round yellow APO MTP 20 score
round yellow R20
round blue V
round blue V
round blue V5 score
round blue 5V score
round white MV 135
round white N 10
round white N 250
round pink QT
round white WXL 150
round yellow PMS 4 score
round yellow APO H4
round orange APO D 5 score
round orange NOVO 50
round brown APO OCD 30
white round P F 5 score
round green A 0 5
round blue IA 10
round pink 100 20
round pink APO B 3
round pink APO OCD 20
round white APO 5 325
round yellow 40
round blue IA 10
round blue 81
round white N 10
round yellow IA 25
orange round PMS 2 score
round white APO 50 score
round yellow ON 40
round white RU 20
round white 5 P F score
round white G TO 25
round yellow R20
round yellow 40
round yellow D 4
round orange PMS 2
round white S7A
round white dch score
round blue D 1
round white logo dch
round green D 1
Droncit 34
Andrx 675 850
Andrx 674 500
Droncit 23
"This tool does not provide medical advice, and is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Call your doctor to receive medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, please dial 911."
"Do not rely on openFDA to make decisions regarding medical care. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. We may limit or otherwise restrict your access to the API in line with our Terms of Service."
"This product uses publicly available data from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product."
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